Wednesday, May 26, 2010

45 more days...

And we need help planning!!!

Below are the list of cities Matt and I have put together for the Europe leg of our trip. Just click on "Our Route" under the map below to view a larger image.

Since both of us have never been to Europe before, we really want to hear from you all on your favorite places. Post a comment if you think there are any places we are missing out on and let us know if you have any good restaurant or accommodation suggestions. Can't wait to hear from you all!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Like most good ideas, this one began over a nice bottle of...

VODKA! It all started as my coworker and good friend, Sara, and I were getting ready for a night out in Chicago. Complaining about our telesales jobs, we started dreaming of what it'd be like to work abroad like our sisters. Mine, an English teacher in Vietnam and hers, a budding travel writer, we couldn't help but did we end up in these cubes?? And why am I wearing this headset that makes me look like someone at the McDonald's drive-thru??

After a couple more drinks, we had the whole escape plan down. We'd save a certain portion of our paycheck each month to quit our jobs and travel the world. It's as easy as that…right?

Later that night, I brought the idea up to Matt as we shoveled down food at our favorite late night Mexican spot. Now, I come up with a LOT of crazy ideas and with Matt being the more rational one in the relationship, I thought he was going to completely shut this idea down. But surprisingly after I tell him the whole idea he actually agrees to it...We're going abroad!!! I was so excited, I almost ran home in my drunken state to start packing.

The next morning, we went in to full force travel mode. Matt and I began breaking down our paychecks and budgeting how much we would need to save in order to travel for at least 4 months. Then we came to a harsh realization. There was NO way we could save the money we wanted to while living in Chicago. So, sadly, the next day Matt and I both went in to work and quit our jobs. Within a half a month we were back in North with our parents.

Although living with our parents has helped Matt and me save so much money, I can't exactly say it has been a walk in the park. Having someone tell me to make my bed again and listening to Mom and Dad as they fight over chicken or beef for dinner has had me at my wit's end at moments. But I do need to take this time to give a big thank you to both of our parents. Thank you so much for putting up with us and being so supportive throughout the past months. We owe you!